A seasoned multimedia architect and engineering manager with demonstrated record of performance in advanced technology research and development, standardization and productization of complex, highly technical systems. Diverse experience base including innovation of several new technologies, leading and managing research, large technology and product development teams, international standardization and consortia engagements, development of product concepts and business plans, business negotiations and creation and raising funds for three entrepreneurial hi-tech start-ups in Internet and wireless markets.

Created, led and completed MPEG-DASH and MPEG CMAF standards from the beginning to the end. Founder and President of DASH Industry Forum. Executive Director of AOMedia.

Specific Expertise:

  • Internet multimedia streaming and delivery: DASH, CMAF, AV1
  • Virtual, augmented and mix reality content creation, encoding and delivery
  • Hybrid Delivery, Broadcast+ Broadband, Interactive services
  • Highly efficient cloud multimedia content coding and delivery
  • Artificial intelligent for and with multimedia content